How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The human spirit

If you avoid pop culture and do a little research, it's surprising how many first rate (usually unknown) books you can find. If books actually could change the world, it would have changed long ago. Readers change the world - or not.

In retirement I finally have time to discover, read and consider great expressions of the human spirit, long forgotten. I'll mention some from time to time.

I'm also finding a few contemporary authors to whom I respond, the most impressive to date being Brad Warner, a punk rock musician turned trained Zen master. His long interview with a bright, articulate porn queen in his book Sex, Sin And Zen is extraordinary.

From Warner:
Sorry to burst your bubble. Not even total and complete enlightenment will fulfill you. It didn’t work for Buddha, and it ain’t gonna work for you, no matter what the guy running the get-enlightenment-quick seminars tells you!