Scientists alarmed at ocean warming
By Peter Fimrite and Kurtis Alexander | 1627 words
The poisoning of Dungeness crab off the California coast by a mysterious algae bloom may be bad news for the seafood industry, but to marine biologists and climate scientists, it is a frightening omen of future distress to a vibrant ecosystem. Experts say the toxin in the algae, which likely flourished in this year's record-high ocean temperatures, is one symptom of a wholesale shift in the physical and biological makeup of the Pacific Ocean - a transformation so abrupt and merciless that it is endangering species and forcing migrations before our eyes.
By Peter Fimrite and Kurtis Alexander | 1627 words
The poisoning of Dungeness crab off the California coast by a mysterious algae bloom may be bad news for the seafood industry, but to marine biologists and climate scientists, it is a frightening omen of future distress to a vibrant ecosystem. Experts say the toxin in the algae, which likely flourished in this year's record-high ocean temperatures, is one symptom of a wholesale shift in the physical and biological makeup of the Pacific Ocean - a transformation so abrupt and merciless that it is endangering species and forcing migrations before our eyes.