March Madness
Here we go again,
this wonderful diversion
from a world gone mad
from weather gone wild
where underdogs and cinderellas
still exist, Davids slewing Goliaths
a nation gone bracket crazy
company pools everywhere
two weeks of diversion
from the year-round madness
with more serious consequences
and little chance for overtime
Nature quite without mercy
you're gonna reap
just what you sow
but later, after the tip offs
after the brackets get filled out
when we go back to our routines
avoiding the real madness
and believing freedom is
insulting the president
on talk radio
Here we go again,
this wonderful diversion
from a world gone mad
from weather gone wild
where underdogs and cinderellas
still exist, Davids slewing Goliaths
a nation gone bracket crazy
company pools everywhere
two weeks of diversion
from the year-round madness
with more serious consequences
and little chance for overtime
Nature quite without mercy
you're gonna reap
just what you sow
but later, after the tip offs
after the brackets get filled out
when we go back to our routines
avoiding the real madness
and believing freedom is
insulting the president
on talk radio