How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Faith and ‘Gomorrah’: a hero grows old

A fair review of my novel. Others at the Amazon page, link at bottom.

Art Scatter » Blog Archive » Faith and ‘Gomorrah’: a hero grows old:

"I knew from following Deemer’s writer’s blog that he’d rediscovered John Dos Passos’ 1930s U.S.A. Trilogy, and as he makes clear in this post he’s borrowed some of the Trilogy’s structural elements, adapting Dos Passos’ liberal use of contemporary newspaper clippings to the background dronings of news programs on CJ’s television set. It’s a tribute to Dos Passos’ imagination and Deemer’s contrarian sensibility that the techniques still seem fresh and out of the mainstream."

The book is here.... paperback and Kindle editions.