How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

To live in the world

From Sodom, Gomorrah & Jones ...

CJ is sent to a shrink after the death of his wife.
You can't fix what was bothering me when Helen was still alive,” CJ told Dr. Peters. “It's larger than all of us. You couldn't fix it then and you can't fix it now. You can either ignore it, or fill your life with distractions from it, or accept the fact that we live in a culture based on lies and deceit and betrayal. But how do you deal with that? You know what I think? I think the smartest among us, the most sensitive among us, can't accept it at all and that's why they're locked up in the loony bins. Insanity may be the only true response to all this shit. We lock up our best people. We punish the truly sane people in the country, the ones who see through all the shit and can't stand it.”
And later ...
 CJ cleared his throat and tried. Why was he so nervous? He continued.“Take something that hits close to home. The political assassination of President Kennedy. That's what it amounted to. A political coup.”
"You really think so?”
The doctor seemed surprised.
CJ said, “There is no doubt there were front entry wounds. Every doctor who first saw the body said so, before the body was doctored to hide them. For Christ's sake, a cop walking behind the car was splattered with brain matter! Many people saw smoke, smelled gun powder, at the grassy knoll. This isn't made up. This is what witnesses saw. Front entry wounds mean more than one shooter. Which means a conspiracy.”
CJ stopped. He realized he was shaking.
“That was a long time ago. What about all this is upsetting you today?” the doctor asked.
CJ stood up.
“Why the hell aren't you upset? Why the hell isn't everyone upset? They overthrew your government, for God's sake! How can you live your life as if nothing had happened?”
There was a long pause.
“Maybe this is a good place to stop,” said Dr. Peters. “Is the same time next week convenient to you?”
CJ took a deep breath.
“There is no next time, doc. I'm out of here.”