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"You can't fix it. You can't make it go away.
I don't know what you're going to do about it,
But I know what I'm going to do about it. I'm just
going to walk away from it. Maybe
A small part of it will die if I'm not around
feeding it anymore."
--Lew Welch
How to tell a story

Monday, February 29, 2016
Admirable journey
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Irony of art
Toughest job
Plot thickens
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Good decision
Variation on a theme
California’s drive to save water is killing trees, hurting utilities and raising taxes
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Clinton got higher % of SC black voters than Obama did! If this mirrors national voting, Sanders is in deep doodoo.
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And worse ...
Daily Life
on thinking as little as possible
analysis only reveals
considerable horror to come
our bickering leaders are
impotent to address it
handing the rest of us
a miserable waiting game
which I'd rather not think about
The age of rude
Emotion trumps reason
Friday, February 26, 2016
Ups and downs
The best African American figure skater in history is now bankrupt and living in a trailer
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Hopeful news
Who can blame her?
SMU women’s coach says kids these days drove her into retirement
Chomsky on Trump
Strong African American support for Clinton emerging as decisive factor
We shall see.
Running on empty
Thursday, February 25, 2016
International film
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Batter up!
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which means I'm powerless
except for whatever I hold
privately close to my vest:
my thoughts, attitudes, values.
Given all this, freedom
amounts to wiggle room,
existing under the radar,
disappearing from authority,
minding my own business.
Traps are everywhere, usually
called a Sale or Free Sample
to feed the insatable appetite
of our consumer culture,
measuring souls in dollars.
If you buy, you die.
Here we go ...
Secret police? Virginia considers bill to withhold all officers’ names
Fool's errand
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Experimental bread
Tonight I baked something different: olive, caper, sun dried tomato. Haven't tasted it yet.
Can't get worse? Ha!
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Making it official
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OJ miniseries
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Greatly exaggerated!
The armed university
Against the boycott
End Times
baffles me as much
as worldly horror
you can't explain it
it just happens
and always happened
under the circumstances
the best I can do
is avoid wrong doing
is cherish friends
and manufacture moments
of laughter and joy
a riff by Mulligan
trumps a suicide bomber
if you know how to listen
Uphill battle
Sign of the times
Political revolution
Once again, progressives get "the people" wrong. Historically we're very good at that. Sanders wears idealistic blinders. Folks aren't as smart as he dreams.
May you live in interesting times.
Shrinking Universe
the smaller the universe
in which I find
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Important step
Just watched THE HUNTING GROUND, doc about sexual assault on campus. University corruption is appalling on this issue, esp when jocks are involved. Brave victims carrying the load for change, as here.
Life in America
Marie Hatch, who has cancer, was served with a 60-day notice this month to vacate the Craftsman cottage she has lived in for 66 years. In 1950, Hatch was given a verbal agreement, which was passed down through generations of owner ship, that she could live in the cottage for the rest of her life.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Hey, Ducks in the Post!
The Oregon Ducks may be the nation’s quietest Final Four contender
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Here we go ...
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Dog power
Adventures in home improvement
A mystery
1. If elected as Dem, impotent one term Pres.
2. If Hillary is candidate and he supports her, most likely scenario, same old story.
3. If Hillary is candidate and he runs as independent, elected honorary Republican for helping them so much.
4. If H, and he urges supporters to go Green, supporting Stein, he can stir the pot and begin a political revolution to change the corrupt two party system. ThIs could be a major step.
The energy is there! But it must be focused in a revolutionary way. THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE.
It ain't over
If he moved to the Greens, he could really stir the pot. But he won't. He's a politician. Another unintended con job, just as Hedges points out.
If only Hunter S. Thompson could have lived to take on this election
When civilizations end
In shards of glass, a new sign of how the enigmatic Easter Islanders met their demise
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Political revolution
1. Clinton gets nomination.
2. Sanders convinces his supporters to bolt to Greens, already on ballot. Many do, enough to contest election. The two party system is destroyed.
And there's your political revolution.
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Hedges for Stein
I think he's right. But no way she has a shot, though I might vote for her myself.
Her best shot would be for Sanders to send his supporters to her after Hillary gets the nomination. But he will be grinning on stage, holding Clinton's hand. That's life.
"O say can you see ...?"
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Dumb shits
Scenario for change
Same scenario used in my six day wonder play! Astounding! But it doesn't work in my play. Because the play is realistic and therefore dark in this regard.
So I consider Sanders naive and absurdly optimistic. Not all young people are progressive, maybe not even most. Sanders is more hopeless than I thought, if that's really his plan. Get real, man!
If this holds, plus C's astronomical superdelegate advantage, no way Sanders can win. Will he cave or split? I predict cave. Holding hands and smiling on the podium with Hillary. It's called American politics.
Something to look forward to: a debate between Trump and Clinton should be surreal!
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Losing brain power
Americans can study in Germany for free, in English. An increasing number are doing it.
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Spin city, or consider the source
The establishment press bashes Sanders, the progressive press bashes Clinton. Sickening and getting worse.
I remember the old woman who told me why she quit voting: "I don't want to encourage them."
Same o politics
Fighting the establishment
"After the contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, Sanders has a small 36-32 lead among delegates won in primaries and caucuses. But when superdelegates are included, Clinton leads 483-55, including two new superdelegate endorsements she picked up on Friday, according to the AP count. It's essentially a parallel election that underscores Clinton's lopsided support from the Democratic establishment."
Sounds rigged and makes primaries a little irrelevant.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Then I learned my one act hyperdrama is in the canon of first generation hypertext, that there are faculty who respect my work at many universities in the UK, Europe, Scandanavia, South America. I didn't waste time on hyperdrama at all. I'm an esoteric, elitist kind of guy, I deserve an esoteric, elitist reputation.
At peace, I return to traditional drama with 3 new plays and nothing to prove. I am marketing them, and what happens, happens. Round Bend Press will publish them. I'd love to see one done here, for old time's sake before I pass. What happens, happens.
Peace rocks.
Giggling fit
She always did the taxes before her heart attack. I hate doing it and she's better at it. Now she can't and I must by default.
This trick of the gods came to mind by her habitual remark. I reminded her why I was doing them in the first place.
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Harper Lee, elusive author of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ dies at 89
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Take it easy
Quotation of the day
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Getting ready for an exodus
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Press trash
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No fan of Sanders
Bernie Sanders’s outlandish plans make Republicans look serious
Conventions will be ugly, with party establishments fearing Sanders and Trump. I only fear Cruz. If blacks and Latinos rally behind Clinton, she might pull it out. I don't fear Clinton - in fact, I think she could rise in office as the first woman president. A longshot. I'd vote for Sanders if Warren was his VP but he strikes me more and more as an impractical dreamer. If the convention is brokered, it might be Biden.
I may not vote at all. Unless I vote against Cruz.
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Tick tock
Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now
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Ah, "environmentalists"!
Endangered baby dolphin dies after swimmers pass it around for selfies
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Long time coming
‘Race’ looks at the big picture of Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics
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Thursday, February 18, 2016
A draft for everyone
How drafting women became a wedge issue for Republicans on the trail
House of zzzzz
Harriet is no better. She's in bed, feeling sick.
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the unexamined life
is not worth living
Socrates never said
the examined life
IS worth living
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Fixing Wall Street
A lot of pundits and professional economists have been weighing in on the financial reform plans of candidates like Sanders and Clinton. Paul Krugman, for example, has strongly stated his preference for Clinton’s proposals to reform Wall Street. You’ve noted the problem of lack of detail in the plans you’ve seen. As an economist, does that make it difficult for you to access their merits?
EK: It does. These proposals lack the specificity to allow me, acting only as a professional economist, to draw many conclusions.
In other words, the usual smoke and mirrors from BOTH candidates.
Slow progress
Need a project. Not necessarily a writing project.
I think H is getting worse physically but better mentally.
On the island of Lesbos
I heard a woman
who owns a restaurant
on the island of Lesbos
where in recent years
boats filled with refugees
have landed on her shore
men, women and children
cold, hungry and frightened
fleeing war and despair
and so this amazing woman
put her staff to work
making sandwich after sandwich
and she called on friends
to gather warm clothes and medicine
and she continues to help
the endless fleet of refugees
to this very day, sounding
on the BBC
like it's just another day
at her bayshore restaurant
on the island of Lesbos
I've regarded the cliche
"ignorance is bliss"
with a scorn reserved
for philistines and dunces
but the digital revolution
has opened my eyes
to overwhelming realities
universes of ignorance
the future of mankind
how much more blissful
if I didn't know
a conspiracy of stupidity
now determines the fate
of humans and Earth
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Class society
Grim future
Warming oceans are turning sea stars to goo and killing lobsters, scientists say
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Read sample
Ah, youth!
someone does something special
to inspire outrageous praise
and all kinds of hype
and I go check it out
curious what the fuss is about
and discover something that someone
of my generation did thirty
or forty or fifty years ago
and did considerably better
which makes me laugh at your ignorance
and capacity for self-congratulation
though I don't laugh one bit
about the disrespect for old age
in this day care center called America
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
From former student
Read sample
If she had cooled down on the praise, I may have responded because I was, in fact, between agents. But this was ridiculous. Obviously a scam. I deleted the letter.
A few weeks later I received an email from a former student. Is this legit? he asked, forwarding me the same letter with the same boilerplate praise!
There's a special place in hell for such scammers. This novella was inspired by this experience, a kind of fantasy about how a writer might respond. It's one in my CineFicion series, novellas that originally were screenplays.
A Writer's Lament
is that later when you lose the attention
it's easy to leap to the conclusion
that the change actually has something
to do with you and is not just another
roll of the dice that your culture likes to call
"support of the arts" when in fact nothing
here is valued except commodities
in the marketplace of pop culture
which makes success as well as failure
irrelevant concepts with regard to the work
you should be doing instead of wasting
so much time fretting about bullshit
Monday, February 15, 2016
Sanders' strength
China smokes the west
WeChat, a Chinese messaging app, dwarfs most western products both in scale – it has around 700 million active accounts – and ambition: despite being first released only in January 2011 as a text/voice/photo-sharing app, it has expanded to provide functionality so that you can order cabs, buy film tickets, play games, check in for flights, pay bills … the list goes on and on.
Good damn question
Best hope
None of this will happen.
National politics
Family values?
Kentucky lawmaker’s bill forces men to get note from wives before purchasing Viagra
Hedges on Sanders
"The Democratic Party is a full partner in the corporate state. Yet Sanders, while critical of Hillary Clinton’s exorbitant speaking fees from firms such as Goldman Sachs, refuses to call out the party and—as Robert Scheer pointed out in a column in October—the Clintons for their role as handmaidens of Wall Street. For Sanders, it is a lie of omission, which is still a lie. And it is a lie that makes the Vermont senator complicit in the con game being played on the American electorate by the Democratic Party establishment."
The two party system is part of the problem.
Hedges articulates my doubts about Sanders: it's a bigger problem.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
FBI at Oregon refuge
This time, the FBI got it right
A different attitude
Canadians crack down on guns, alarmed by flow from U.S.
Campus protests on rise with freshman class
"Almost one in ten said they expected to participate in protests — the highest it has been in the 50 years the survey has been given."
Go, Galen!
How many voters like this? I can sympathize.
I, too, get more disappointed the more the Bern sounds robotic.
Closing hours at refuge
Getting to Hallelujah: The frantic final hours of the Oregon refuge occupation
Higher stakes
Will get worse
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Black support
New conflict
Obama will try to replace Scalia, Repubs to block and stall.
I have much physical evidence
that years ago an impostor
stole my identity and used it
to put plays on a stage
to publish books and articles
to win grants and awards
in a frenzy of literary activity
that finally has come to an end
so that I can be myself again
I have vivid memories of being naked
in the presence of beautiful naked women
to the mutal satisfaction of all
but recently have begun to doubt
the veracity of my memory
since I find no concrete evidence
not a photo, not a momento
in any of various family albums
that such encounters actually happened
I have a vague feeling that I'm waiting
around for something or someone
who will explain to me the point
of all this spare time on my hands
now that I'm just another forgotten
and ignored and irrelevant senior citizen
who once upon a time had purpose
and was far too busy and productive
to wonder what in hell is going on
Small funk
So why this funk this morning? Because I still face doing taxes?
Maybe a glass of buttermilk will help.
Your assumptions about Native Americans and alcohol are wrong
The human factor
More than 5 million people will die from a frightening cause: Breathing
Public land
Obama to designate new national monuments in the California desert
Non white power
Same o same o
Friday, February 12, 2016
Too much to ask?
What if were less angry and more excited, more celebratory, about the possibility of a new world, a political revolution beyond glib rhetoric?
What if he were inspirational?
Post mortem
"I went to the Malheur looking for kindred spirits. I found the mad, the fervent, the passionately misguided. I found the unknowing pawns of an existential chess game, in which we are, all of us, now caught. Driving home across the snow-packed Malheur Basin, through mile after mile of sage, with towering basalt cliffs in the near distance, herds of mule deer appearing as gray specks in the tongues of slide rock and wind-exposed yellow grass, I did not wonder what Edward Abbey would have said about all of this, or Kropotkin or the lugubrious monarchist Thomas Hobbes. I thought instead of the old C.S. Lewis books of my childhood, and of Lewis’ writings on the nature of evil, where evil is never a lie, because lying implies creation, and evil, by its nature, has no creative power. Instead, the nature of evil is to take a truth and twist it, sometimes as much as 180 degrees. Love of country becomes hatred of those we believe don’t share our devotion, or don’t share it the same way. The natural right of armed self-defense becomes the means to take over a wildlife refuge, to exert tyranny on those who work there, or those who love the place for the nature it preserves in a world replete with man’s endeavors. The U.S. Constitution, one of the most liberal and empowering documents ever composed, becomes, with just a slight annotation or interpretation, the tool of our own enslavement."
Film history
Enjoying the madness
So I want chaos and excitement. Brokered conventions! No one wins!
Stevenson + Rubio = Sanders
Sanders has victory in his grasp if he gets help from some acting coaches and focuses on a positive future. We already know the rest.
I agree
The last slow dance
Batter up!
Sanders' broken record
Winners and losers from the 6th Democratic presidential debate
Clinton looked good because Sanders is beginning to sound like a one hit wonder. He needs help! We may have two brokered conventions this summer.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Gravity waves
Cosmic breakthrough: Physicists detect gravitational waves from violent black-hole merger
Very curious ...
Toward theocracy
Eye opener on twitter. Many shocked at level of miseducation of these extremists. I think their use of social media has been counter productive to their cause. Happily surprised at how much the dingbats were outnumbered on Twitter.
A non tax day, looks like.
H a mess, taxes reminding her of changes in her mental capacity.
The Guardian
Casting the movie
Raw Story
Against Bernie
Ta da!
Finally ... now damage assessment
The Guardian at refuge
OPB RADIO also good.
Major news!
Get facts straight
Bundy arrested II
Father of Bundys arrested, hooray!
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Against Clinton
Against Sanders
Overview of tonight at refuge
FBI closes in on last Oregon refuge occupiers
Plot thickens
Democrats scramble for pivotal bloc in the next 2 contests: Minority voters
Surrender II
Refuge coverage
Generation gap
Here we go
Marty Christensen
Oh boy ...
The superdelegate hurdle
Man, this makes it hard to buck the establishment.
Sanders' VP
Theater online
Notable performancesEdit
In its first year ATHEMOO hosted numerous performance events, in March 1996, Charles Deemer reproduced his hyper drama, "Bride of Edgefield," a play made entirely out of hypertext in the ATHEMOO space. Charles Deemer is an award winning playwright who has worked since 1991 creating 5 different hyperplays. The second performer to use ATHEMOO as a performance space in March 1996 was Cat Herbert who produced a piece in conjunction with Crosswaves Festival in Philadelphia.[10]
Some think this performance was the first dramatic performance on the Internet. Certainly was one of the first.
True enough
Defending Clinton
"Call me a bad progressive, but I still think the job of president should go to the most qualified candidate and not the one who tells me what I want to hear even though we both know he’ll never accomplish it. It should go to the person who has been the senator of a state with a diverse population of 20 million, as opposed to a state with a 95% white population of 600,000 and the person who has been secretary of state, rather than the one who pivots back to the domestic economy every time he’s asked about our relationship to the rest of the world."
Jazz and film
So far, so good
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
A Loser: Sanders victory speech!
Winners and Losers from the New Hampshire primary
Exact!y! Instead of broadening appeal, instead of inspiring us, a very long stump speech. Same old stuff. He has to do better than this.
Death in Montana
Bernie winning the women
Who will win non whites?
Come on, Warren!
Toll of technology
"What does it mean to shift overnight from a society in which people walk down the street looking around to one in which people walk down the street looking at machines? We wouldn’t be always clutching smartphones if we didn’t believe they made us safer, more productive, less bored, and were useful in all of the ways that a computer in your pocket can be useful. At the same time, smartphone owners describe feeling “frustrated” and “distracted.” In a 2015 Pew survey, 70 percent of respondents said their phones made them feel freer, while 30 percent said they felt like a leash. Nearly half of eighteen-to-twenty-nine-year-olds said they used their phones to “avoid others around you.”
I may become a neo-Luddite.
Tired and cranky
Same old methods
Bernie Sanders is no revolutionary
Monday, February 8, 2016
Stir the pot
May the gods help us
Dirty politics
Dems may be heading to a brokered convention if it's close. It already is nasty. Sanders can unilaterally save the tone, and would if he were a King or true visionary, but he is an ordinary politician in style. Trump is more creative in this regard.
Sanders reminds me of Stevenson in angry aloofness.
The more I think about the Greens, the better it feels!
Energy ...
The dark side
A very old story
Nothing new here ... Hofstadter wrote the classic study over half a century ago, recent update by another author. Anti-intellectualism our shameful legacy.
No wasted food
Read sample
Many of these stories come from that period. Later I would return to the novel with minor success, a better writer and a greater acceptance of minimalism in the form. I still love the short story form but never have returned to it with the energy and passion of my early years as a writer.
Krugman v Sanders
Another version of pragmatism v idealism.
I am 0-2 as an idealist.
But I don't think pragmatism will do it either. When I look at history, I see that systemic changes come after violent revolutions. Bloodshed. We may be in that cycle of history once again. The extremists are ready for it.
A contentious election with Republican winners might radicalize a lot of people.
All this reads like a chapter in LOVE'S BODY. Politics as mental illness.
Worried about Bernie
This will get very messy.
How long patience?
Perverted pleasure
Nasty press
Sunday, February 7, 2016
A man of principle
An angry "senior" woman defends Clinton
DEFENSE does it
Carolina outplaying them.
Defense gives Denver lead
Denver ahead on breaks. Will be a tough second half.
Clinton looking good
Cooking fool
New info
Right on
The hole in the heart
The only relationship close to those is with a surrogate sister in LA. But this is distant and different.
I have a few good friends, still, and a loving wife, and a great dog. I'm not hurting. But there is no one I can crack up with by no more than a raised eyebrow. There is no one who knows what I've said before I say it. Those are significant losses.