How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


This probably is the best writing tool I ever owned. Still own it -- in fact, upon retirement, I suspect I might start using it because there is no better portable writing tool than this "dinosaur," mainly because it gets over 100 hrs of use on three AA batteries. Remarkable. And holds about 40,000 words of text. All it is good for is writing, no distractions online or games, but hey, that also is an advantage. It was created for elementary school kids in the early PC days, to teach them keyboard skills, but foreign correspondents started using it in wars because of its long battery life. A cable transfers what you write to a PC for editing and whatever use you have in mind.

The AlphaSmart had later versions that are worse, not better, because the creators never realized the major attraction of their product. They added bells and whistles and took away battery life. The original AlphaSmart is still the best.