How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Monday, March 25, 2013

Applause: Jessica Lange

Watched Lange's performance as Frances Farmer in Frances today. At one level this 1982 film is, like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a story of the creative and eccentric individual battling conformity, made personal here as Frances battles her career-controlling mother. These films, with their 1950s treatment of mental health (shock treatment, lobotomies), can be hard to watch today, they seem so barbaric -- but let's not forget that these methods were called progressive and humane in their day. What similar treatment today will be called barbaric in half a century!?

This is Lange in her prime, here playing opposite Sam Shepard, who I believe was also her romantic interest at the time. They were the power couple in the acting world. But all things change.