How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Saturday, June 13, 2015

A new project?

After fiddling with a personalized Churchill clone, I have a more interesting idea ... a sequel to the last novel, because I like CJ so much. I initially dismissed it because I didn't want to package it as before or in a traditional narrative. Now I can adapt the Churchill dialectic (which is what it is) and continue the CJ story ... and he can connect with a new radical group of Indians, adapting a story from an old screenplay. And since the form will be so unusual, the writing so different, I can give it a security blanket, using David Mamet's terminology:

part one ... once upon a time
part two ... and then one day
part three ... just when everything was going so well
part four ... when at the last minute
part five ... and everyone was sadder but wiser

my working title is
Ghosts of Sitting Bull
a novel as dialectic

it will find its own length, novel or novella

now ... do I actually have the energy for this? We'll see!

But the old juices are flowing ...