... gets worse every year. Not sure how long I can keep watching games, except of small schools out of media attention. Shades of lions and gladiators sanitized by technology.
"You can't fix it. You can't make it go away.
I don't know what you're going to do about it,
But I know what I'm going to do about it. I'm just
going to walk away from it. Maybe
A small part of it will die if I'm not around
feeding it anymore."
--Lew Welch
How to tell a story

Thursday, December 31, 2015
Creationism evangelist: God put contradictions in the Bible to ‘weed out’ the atheists: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheRawStory/~3/XW3ffSSxdGw/
At last
CNN: President Obama will announce executive action on guns in the new year: http://feeds.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/ZCoIx7jTX1g/-CNN-President-Obama-will-announce-executive-actions-on-guns-in-the-new-year
A tough year, adjusting to post-heart attack realities. But H made progress and, the bottom line, is still with us.
My personal highlight, a birthday gift from the gods, waking with an entire play in my head, which I wrote down (a secretary) in six days ... one of my better ones, I think. Entered it in a Big Contest. A Eugene director already interested, it will have a life, and eventually get published by TS at Round Bend Press.
Brooding about how to express Berman's monastic alternative as a story on stage.
Future security: I have a viable exit strategy if/when needed. In a culture with no support for individual integrity, where the medical establishment becomes an enemy, this is essential for peace of mind in old age.
Wishing for a better 2016!
My personal highlight, a birthday gift from the gods, waking with an entire play in my head, which I wrote down (a secretary) in six days ... one of my better ones, I think. Entered it in a Big Contest. A Eugene director already interested, it will have a life, and eventually get published by TS at Round Bend Press.
Brooding about how to express Berman's monastic alternative as a story on stage.
Future security: I have a viable exit strategy if/when needed. In a culture with no support for individual integrity, where the medical establishment becomes an enemy, this is essential for peace of mind in old age.
Wishing for a better 2016!
Morris Berman
The conclusion of The Twilight of American Culture:
I leave it up to you to decide if the glass is half-full or half-empty, or whether that even matters. For the “monk”of the twenty-first century will not be pursuing his or her activity for grand, heroic outcomes, but for the sense of worth and meaning that the activity itself contains. The work may lead somewhere; it may not. Our job is only to give it our best shot. Lew Welch, a San Francisco Beat poet of years gone by, put it this way:
What strange pleasure do they get who’d wipe whole worlds out, ANYTHING, to end our lives, our wild idleness? But we have charms against their rage—must go on saying, “Look, if nobody tried to live this way, all the work of the world would be in vain.”And now and then a son, a daughter, hears it. Now and then a son, a daughter gets away
As an old Quaker saying puts it, “Let your life speak.”In the end, that’s the only thing that really matters.
I leave it up to you to decide if the glass is half-full or half-empty, or whether that even matters. For the “monk”of the twenty-first century will not be pursuing his or her activity for grand, heroic outcomes, but for the sense of worth and meaning that the activity itself contains. The work may lead somewhere; it may not. Our job is only to give it our best shot. Lew Welch, a San Francisco Beat poet of years gone by, put it this way:
What strange pleasure do they get who’d wipe whole worlds out, ANYTHING, to end our lives, our wild idleness? But we have charms against their rage—must go on saying, “Look, if nobody tried to live this way, all the work of the world would be in vain.”And now and then a son, a daughter, hears it. Now and then a son, a daughter gets away
As an old Quaker saying puts it, “Let your life speak.”In the end, that’s the only thing that really matters.
Berman's future
..." the general outlook, it seems to me, is one of slow rather than sudden disintegration, for this country seems to be very good at crisis management. That is to say, it tends to deal with serious problems at the eleventh hour, thereby staving off disaster, although not accomplishing much else. We might call this the “muddle through” option, in which the basic goal is just staying afloat."
SF foreshadows Pdx?
From the Chronicle:
" Driven by the tech sector, rents in San Francisco have soared higher and faster than the Blue Angels during Fleet Week. Affordable housing isn't. It's nearly impossible to find a burrito on Valencia Street in the heart of the Mission District anymore, although you can find a $5.75 cup of designer hot chocolate. The response has been ballot initiatives, City Hall bellyaching, dirty looks, the occasional lawsuit and feverish honking at the double-decker buses that ferry the young six-figure set from San Francisco to their Peninsula ports of call."
" Driven by the tech sector, rents in San Francisco have soared higher and faster than the Blue Angels during Fleet Week. Affordable housing isn't. It's nearly impossible to find a burrito on Valencia Street in the heart of the Mission District anymore, although you can find a $5.75 cup of designer hot chocolate. The response has been ballot initiatives, City Hall bellyaching, dirty looks, the occasional lawsuit and feverish honking at the double-decker buses that ferry the young six-figure set from San Francisco to their Peninsula ports of call."
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Those we lost in 2015
Those we lost in 2015
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Freak storm has pushed North Pole to freezing point — 50 degrees above normal
Freak storm has pushed North Pole to freezing point — 50 degrees above normal
How are you?
Outside looking in:
Old. Obsolete. Invisible.
Inside looking out:
Blessed. Thankful to have been raised before television and computers. In awe of great literary/artistic work, favorites with which I am reengaging. Satisfied with a possible exit strategy. Blessed!
Old. Obsolete. Invisible.
Inside looking out:
Blessed. Thankful to have been raised before television and computers. In awe of great literary/artistic work, favorites with which I am reengaging. Satisfied with a possible exit strategy. Blessed!
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Question of the day
By Morris Berman:
How is it that in the U.S. excellence in sports is celebrated while excellence in scholarship is considered elitist?
How is it that in the U.S. excellence in sports is celebrated while excellence in scholarship is considered elitist?
The Sharing Economy: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/1akxJN92y5w/
Rereading my favorite cultural historian, Morris Berman, THE TWILIGHT OF AMERICAN CULTURE at the moment, and then going to some of his sources - all of which engages and challenges the mind, and gives my day renewed purpose.
Plus I feel good about deciding on what I'll call an emergency exit strategy, an existential insurance policy. 2016 may become a great year for me!
Plus I feel good about deciding on what I'll call an emergency exit strategy, an existential insurance policy. 2016 may become a great year for me!
Monday, December 28, 2015
America’s Addiction to Violence: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/9_TIaRuZsMs/
Concussion: doctor who fought NFL says 'no equipment can prevent' such injuries
Women's BB
Oregon State v. Notre Dame, both ranked, today. Rooting for underdog Beavers.
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Fighting climate change requires more than soothing fantasies
Fighting climate change requires more than soothing fantasies
Future possibilities
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
The A.I. anxiety
The A.I. anxiety
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Easy answer
There's A Way to Save Our Future. So Why Aren't More People Talking About It?: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/12/24/theres-way-save-our-future-so-why-arent-more-people-talking-about-it
Former Seattle Mariners outfielder and broadcaster Dave Henderson dies at age 57 from cardiac arrest - @seattletimes http://www.seattletimes.com/sports/mariners/former-mariners-outfielder-and-broadcaster-dave-henderson-passes-away-at-age-57/?utm_content=buffercae79&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=owned_buffer
The Internet's failed promise
"Taylor is a 21st-century digital dissenter. She’s one of the many technophiles unhappy about the way the tech revolution has played out. Political progressives once embraced the utopian promise of the Internet as a democratizing force, but they’ve been dismayed by the rise of the “surveillance state,” and the near-monopolization of digital platforms by huge corporations."
"Taylor is a 21st-century digital dissenter. She’s one of the many technophiles unhappy about the way the tech revolution has played out. Political progressives once embraced the utopian promise of the Internet as a democratizing force, but they’ve been dismayed by the rise of the “surveillance state,” and the near-monopolization of digital platforms by huge corporations."
Year of reckoning: Police kill nearly 1,000
In the age of Amazon, used bookstores are making an unlikely comeback
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Building a better college athletic department is a never-ending task
Friday, December 25, 2015
Shut up, food snobs. Chain restaurants are awesome.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
The long journey
One family’s journey from Aleppo to Austria
The old year before the new year
10 Good Things About the Not-So-Great Year 2015 : http://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/129788311/0/alternet~Good-Things-About-the-NotSoGreat-Year
Would Syrian Refugee Baby Jesus Be Allowed to Immigrate to the U.S.?: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/H0FpWp8Fl6M/
Climate gets crazy
Forecast high temperature for NYC's Central Park today is 74F, just 1 degree below high temperature on July 4th - @NWSNewYorkNY https://twitter.com/NWSNewYorkNY/status/680041251220119552/photo/1
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
US homes use more electricity on Christmas lights than some countries do in a year: researchers: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheRawStory/~3/JZzixDqAk4U/
Too late?
Santa needs to bring us some sanity before rage consumes our Christmas spirit.
Americans are drinking themselves to death at record rates
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
44 percent of Republicans would be 'proud' of a Donald Trump presidency: http://feeds.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/PQYtwMEn1nY/-44-percent-of-Republicans-would-be-proud-of-a-Donald-Trump-presidency
Missing the mark
Neither of my two old man fantasies has come close ... 1. to be a respected retired writer living in a hotel, holding court with younger writers during happy hour - a writer I met at the Daniel Boone Hotel in Columbia. 2. Lowkey habitual life, breakfast at same booth, same waitress, afternoon coffee, routine and reflection, my favorite teacher's life in Honolulu (passed some years ago).
Instead I never know what (manufactured) crisis is ahead. Not my idea of fun.
Instead I never know what (manufactured) crisis is ahead. Not my idea of fun.
How we are?
"In a country that has become not just polarized, but also atomized; in which we root unwaveringly for our own political “teams” composed of those who look, think, vote and raise children exactly as we do; and in which we treat opposing viewpoints as motivated by malice or stupidity rather than honest disagreement, perhaps it is not so surprising that so many Americans have come down with a serious case of dictator envy, a longing for a political strongman (such as, say, Donald Trump) who will put our neighbors in their place and skirt the pluralistic niceties and nonsense of democracy."
"In a country that has become not just polarized, but also atomized; in which we root unwaveringly for our own political “teams” composed of those who look, think, vote and raise children exactly as we do; and in which we treat opposing viewpoints as motivated by malice or stupidity rather than honest disagreement, perhaps it is not so surprising that so many Americans have come down with a serious case of dictator envy, a longing for a political strongman (such as, say, Donald Trump) who will put our neighbors in their place and skirt the pluralistic niceties and nonsense of democracy."
Half of American voters in new national poll say they would d be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as president - @QuinnipiacPoll http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2311
Monday, December 21, 2015
Modern education
Texas Hold 'Em: School District To Buy Guns For Teachers: http://crooksandliars.com/2015/12/texas-hold-em-school-district-buy-guns
Sunday, December 20, 2015
By Chris Hedges
The Creeping Villainy of American Politics: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/In_lmynukZs/
Warming World of Chaos Fueling Global Refugee Crisis Never Before Seen: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/12/18/warming-world-chaos-fueling-global-refugee-crisis-never-seen
Friday, December 18, 2015
The playing field
Media’s Near Blackout on Bernie Sanders Keeps Many Voters in the Dark: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/Ien63tRO1f4/
UN: World's Refugees And Displaced To Exceed 60 Million - http://huff.to/1NWIJS8
Fear rules
Arabic calligraphy assignment forces closure of schools in Virginia county
Thursday, December 17, 2015
What crisis?
Gas Prices Are Down and a Nation's Love for SUVs Soars: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/12/16/gas-prices-are-down-and-nations-love-suvs-soars
Best country
By Sharing Prosperity Most Evenly, Norway Wins Again: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/12/16/sharing-prosperity-most-evenly-norway-wins-again
I used to think so but more cynical/elitist now over what "us" means
In Dark Times, Poetry Can Enlighten Us: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/o1vDLAE_zeI/
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
40 Years On, the Vietnam War Continues for Victims of Agent Orange: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/S8qrqoqx3YM/
Life threatened?
Penn. cop shoots and kills lost cat after owner’s neighbor finds it in his yard: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheRawStory/~3/ZU1jbJ_zo_k/
Sketch's heritage
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
The East Asian origin story of man’s best friend

The East Asian origin story of man’s best friend

My God trumps your God
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? College suspends professor who said yes.
Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? College suspends professor who said yes.
Ta da!
The UN Sent 3 Foreign Women To The U.S. To Assess Gender Equality. They Were Horrified. - http://huff.to/1NvFrSk
This month’s full moon falls on Christmas for the first time in 27 years
This is what happens when the Arctic warms twice as fast as the rest of the planet
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
... of six- day wonder from director I've worked with:
"I read the environment play and was very moved. It's tight, to the point, relevant."
Setting up new theater company, would like to do it down the road. She has considerable talent and experience, significant support.
"I read the environment play and was very moved. It's tight, to the point, relevant."
Setting up new theater company, would like to do it down the road. She has considerable talent and experience, significant support.
Muslim boy scouts going strong
"Here’s what I found amazing. Although the Boy Scouts of America struggled with accepting gay members and leaders, the organization welcomed Muslim boys decades ago — and has never stopped including them."
"Here’s what I found amazing. Although the Boy Scouts of America struggled with accepting gay members and leaders, the organization welcomed Muslim boys decades ago — and has never stopped including them."
Cold buttermilk ...
... is still ambrosia. Incredibly delicious, putting commercial version to shame.
The unbearably brilliant ‘Son of Saul’ is a cinematic breakthrough
Decline in over three-quarters of UK butterfly species is 'final warning', says Chris Packham
Monday, December 14, 2015
'The Warning Bells are Deafening': Super El Niño Threatening Global Hunger Crisis: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/12/14/warning-bells-are-deafening-super-el-nino-threatening-global-hunger-crisis
Sunday, December 13, 2015
James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'
“It’s a fraud really, a fake,” he says, rubbing his head. “It’s just bullshit for them to say: ‘We’ll have a 2C warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s just worthless words. There is no action, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned.”
“It’s a fraud really, a fake,” he says, rubbing his head. “It’s just bullshit for them to say: ‘We’ll have a 2C warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s just worthless words. There is no action, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned.”
Football tradition
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Navy holds off Army, 21-17, as Keenan Reynolds piles up more NCAA records
Navy holds off Army, 21-17, as Keenan Reynolds piles up more NCAA records
Friday, December 11, 2015
Rain rain rain
Damp damp damp chilly chilly chilly Portland Portland Portland
Germany leads refugee welcome
"In any case, it is Germany taking leadership in the cause of human dignity, and taking the risks inherent to leadership. This was the way the United States once imagined itself, which seems like long ago."
"In any case, it is Germany taking leadership in the cause of human dignity, and taking the risks inherent to leadership. This was the way the United States once imagined itself, which seems like long ago."
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Hear, hear! HEAR, HEAR!
Academics: forget about public engagement, stay in your ivory towers
"We must recognise the value of the esoteric knowledge, technical vocabulary and expert histories that academics produce."
"We must recognise the value of the esoteric knowledge, technical vocabulary and expert histories that academics produce."
Tragic (a great place)
Climate change could leave Chesapeake Bay island uninhabitable in 50 years
Gun rights activists to hold ‘fake mass shooting’ at Univ. of Texas
Muslims in military
"“We used to be a balanced people. We used to be true to our values, but now we’re willing to betray our values because of a sense of fear? That’s not American,” said Hadzic. “What the hell happened to that America I immigrated to?”"
"“We used to be a balanced people. We used to be true to our values, but now we’re willing to betray our values because of a sense of fear? That’s not American,” said Hadzic. “What the hell happened to that America I immigrated to?”"
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Far out
Stunning full-court buzzer-beater lifts Minnesota high school to miracle win
The story continues
Mudslide on U.S. 30 brings traffic on St. Johns Bridge in Portland, Ore., to standstill - @Oregonian http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2015/12/mudslide_on_us_30_brings_st_jo.html
Chairman of the board
Frank Sinatra – 10 of the best from the Capitol years
The last tradition
Making blackeyed peas for the Army-Navy game is something I've been doing for a long time. And even alone, I'll do it Saturday and shop for it today.
I used to make oyster dressing and shrimp aspic for the holidays but stopped some time ago (lost my appreciative audience). And I had booze rituals in my drinking days.
It's down to this, the last tradition.
I used to make oyster dressing and shrimp aspic for the holidays but stopped some time ago (lost my appreciative audience). And I had booze rituals in my drinking days.
It's down to this, the last tradition.
More than 16,000 PGE customers left without power in Portland, Ore., following night of intense rain - @fox12oregon https://twitter.com/fox12oregon/status/674573541870723072
High tech
BBC radio doc on what's ahead: not sure if celebration or depression is proper response. Life has become so layered. No clue here of planetary emergency. So much goes on as normal. Powerlessness breeds habit. Or diversion.
All I know is, No way do I want to be younger.
All I know is, No way do I want to be younger.
The future
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Climate change is going to make inequality even worse than it already is
Climate change is going to make inequality even worse than it already is
Chronicle fun to read during this
Golden State Warriors improve to 23-0 with 131-123 win over Indiana Pacers - @AP_Sports Golden State Warriors improve to 23-0 with 131-123 win over Indiana Pacers - @AP_Sports
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
What I like a lot is that he doesn't wear the blinders of American Exceptionalism and looks to other countries for better ways to do things. But he also is too traditional a hawk in foreign matters.
I think Hillary is our next president. I think she is less slimy than Bill and can grow in the job. Wishful thinking?
I think Hillary is our next president. I think she is less slimy than Bill and can grow in the job. Wishful thinking?
Looking to the future
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Once again, California leads the way
Once again, California leads the way
The Age of Fear
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
France’s triumphant far-right and the echoes of Donald Trump
France’s triumphant far-right and the echoes of Donald Trump
Off my butt
Shelf #4 downsized. I may leave #5 so H can see the difference.
A storm tonight, another tomorrow, then out if it. I've done all the prep I can do.
A storm tonight, another tomorrow, then out if it. I've done all the prep I can do.
Danger ahead
Donald Trump shows hate speech is now out and proud in the mainstream
Light rain falling in drenched Portland and more rainstorms expected through Wednesday evening - @AP http://www.columbian.com/news/2015/dec/08/northwest-oregon-pummeled-by-rain-forecast-more-storms/
Mysteries of life
2 theaters in NYC will read FAMILY VALUES, wanted to mail scripts before arriving storm. Just made it. A mystery: post office a zoo, long holiday lines, so I drove a mile to Thriftway with p.o. inside ... no customers!
Checked basement. So far, so good.
Time for banana cream pie.
Checked basement. So far, so good.
Time for banana cream pie.
How does Trump do it? Understanding the psychology of a demagogue’s rally: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheRawStory/~3/-t0VN_bMp04/
Washington Post
No, you don’t have an absolute right to own guns
"Volunteers feed hungry migrants as winter sets in"
CNN headline and story.
The world is full of good people. Important to remember. But good people are powerless at the moment, compared to greedy people. Can this change with numbers and mass action?
The world is full of good people. Important to remember. But good people are powerless at the moment, compared to greedy people. Can this change with numbers and mass action?
Drama continues
Rescue crews in Portland, Ore., assisting with voluntary evacuation at apartment building due to flooding creek - @PDXFire https://twitter.com/PDXFire/status/674110583118008320/photo/1
Monday, December 7, 2015
Photo: Firefighters use rafts to rescue residents in Milwaukie, Ore. - @KGWNews http://www.kgw.com/story/news/2015/12/07/firefighters-use-rafts-rescue-residents-milwaukie/76954884/
And the worst is coming?
Crews working to repair large sinkhole in Gresham, Ore., as heavy rains continue to hit area - @MikeBennerKGW http://www.breakingnews.com/item/2015/12/07/crews-working-to-repair-large-sinkhole-in-gresham
Pullling for the longshot
Heisman Trophy finalists announced: Alabama's Derrick Henry, Standford's Christian McCaffrey, Clemson's Deshaun Watson - @HeismanTrophy https://twitter.com/HeismanTrophy/status/674005733206335488/photo/1
Calm before the storm
My sense of the day ... Baking bread, listening to 1930-40s music.
Unheralded heroes
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
‘I Got You:’ San Bernardino victim shielded female coworker during shooting, saving her life
‘I Got You:’ San Bernardino victim shielded female coworker during shooting, saving her life
About time
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Less pomp, more art for 2015 Kennedy Center Honors
Less pomp, more art for 2015 Kennedy Center Honors
The Guardian
With the Timbers' MLS Cup win Caleb Porter showed he is the real thing
Uphill battle
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Sanders’s focus on inequality drowned out as guns and terror grab headlines
Sanders’s focus on inequality drowned out as guns and terror grab headlines
Bowls and bowls
The Pac-12's complete bowl lineup:
Rose (Jan. 1): Stanford vs. Iowa
Alamo (Jan. 2): Oregon vs. TCU
Holiday (Dec. 30): USC vs. Wisconsin
Foster Farms (Dec. 26): UCLA vs. Nebraska
Sun (Dec. 26): Washington State vs. Miami
Las Vegas (Dec. 19): Utah vs. BYU
Cactus (Jan. 2): Arizona State vs. West Virginia
New Mexico (Dec. 19): Arizona vs. New Mexico
Heart of Dallas (Dec. 26): Washington vs. Southern Miss
Armed Forces (Dec. 29): Cal vs. Air Force
Rose (Jan. 1): Stanford vs. Iowa
Alamo (Jan. 2): Oregon vs. TCU
Holiday (Dec. 30): USC vs. Wisconsin
Foster Farms (Dec. 26): UCLA vs. Nebraska
Sun (Dec. 26): Washington State vs. Miami
Las Vegas (Dec. 19): Utah vs. BYU
Cactus (Jan. 2): Arizona State vs. West Virginia
New Mexico (Dec. 19): Arizona vs. New Mexico
Heart of Dallas (Dec. 26): Washington vs. Southern Miss
Armed Forces (Dec. 29): Cal vs. Air Force
Sunday, December 6, 2015
"Columbus Crew supporters hurled more than a dozen cans onto the field afterPortland Timbers winger Rodney Wallace scored in the seventh minute of Sunday's MLS Cup Final.
The poor sportsmanship by Crew fans came as the Timbers players were attempting to celebrate the goal near the corner flag. The players had to quickly run back to midfield to avoid getting hit by the cans."
"Columbus Crew supporters hurled more than a dozen cans onto the field afterPortland Timbers winger Rodney Wallace scored in the seventh minute of Sunday's MLS Cup Final.
The poor sportsmanship by Crew fans came as the Timbers players were attempting to celebrate the goal near the corner flag. The players had to quickly run back to midfield to avoid getting hit by the cans."
The Guardian
Portland Timbers hit Columbus Crew SC early to capture their first MLS Cup
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
The kinds of people who confuse total nonsense for something really deep
The kinds of people who confuse total nonsense for something really deep
I should bitch ...
... I'm warm and dry ... I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast ... I am drinking the best iced coffee in America ... I am listening to Gerry Mulligan, who feeds the soul ... I have a loving wife and a best buddy dog ... I have a literary work print that makes me proud ... I am old enough to have experienced a far better America ... I am old enough to likely pass before the food and water riots disrupt civilization ... I have no children to worry about ... I feel blessed each and every day ... in a zero sum universe, I try to focus on the positive counter balance to all the madness.
So I shouldn't bitch. However ...
So I shouldn't bitch. However ...
West coast jazz
Keeping me sane today. Barely. May the gods bless cool jazz!
Boy are two recent works right on about America today: my novel SODOM, GOMORRAH & JONES and the 6-day wonder of late. Very similar themes.
Belching in the wilderness, I suppose.
Boy are two recent works right on about America today: my novel SODOM, GOMORRAH & JONES and the 6-day wonder of late. Very similar themes.
Belching in the wilderness, I suppose.
And another thing ...
... New Year's Eve is a time honored tradition in good health ... so let's change the focus and have the playoff semis then!
Yak yak yak
A 30 minute selection show stretched to FOUR HOURS! Exactly what is wrong with college/all sports today. Bitch bitch bitch.
Pdx soccer
Playing for championship at 1 ... will avoid the city madness and watch here ... maybe while doing chores.
Also football playoff day ... only the Rose Bowl really interests me. Nerd nation v Iowa or Ohio St?
7 days of rain ...
Also football playoff day ... only the Rose Bowl really interests me. Nerd nation v Iowa or Ohio St?
7 days of rain ...
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
‘The world is becoming a safer place to live in.’
‘The world is becoming a safer place to live in.’
America, the laughing stock
A BBC radio documentary on climate change skewered without mercy the substantial number of deniers here, enough to lead a major political party. This makes us more a part of the problem than of the solution.
But how do you backtrack and educate the uneducated? How do you make the likes of Trump and Palin, with large numbers of followers, historically and logically and scientifically literate?
I'm afraid you don't. I hope I'm wrong.
On a brighter note, NPR had a story about an alliance formed by former enemies about gun control. They found common ground in a passion to keep their children safe.
How do parents stay sane today?
But how do you backtrack and educate the uneducated? How do you make the likes of Trump and Palin, with large numbers of followers, historically and logically and scientifically literate?
I'm afraid you don't. I hope I'm wrong.
On a brighter note, NPR had a story about an alliance formed by former enemies about gun control. They found common ground in a passion to keep their children safe.
How do parents stay sane today?
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Nerd nation!
The Stanford Cardinal win the Pac12 Conference with a 41-22 win over USC - @CBSLA https://twitter.com/CBSLA/status/673354471540330496
Football players
Once upon a time, when a player made a good play, he kept cool as if to say, No big deal, I do this all the time. Old school.
Now a player prances around like God's gift to football. Modern hype.
I prefer old school.
Now a player prances around like God's gift to football. Modern hype.
I prefer old school.
What progress?
Once upon a time, a football game was a football game. What a concept!
Then football became a corporate business, an over-hyped, over-produced entertainment extravaganza. A!l this comes to mind waiting for the Mich St - Iowa kickoff, trying not to puke.
Then football became a corporate business, an over-hyped, over-produced entertainment extravaganza. A!l this comes to mind waiting for the Mich St - Iowa kickoff, trying not to puke.
San Bernardino Attack: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/AH8ObttS42Y/
Wise words on writing
By Paul Schrader:
"Sooner or later, the kind of work I do will be acknowledged. It's nice to have it happen while you're still alive. But when you do this sort of thing, you have to believe in history and you have to believe in the ancestry of art. You have to believe that you're filing things in the archives. Maybe they will be appreciated in your lifetime and maybe they won't. It doesn't really matter."
"Sooner or later, the kind of work I do will be acknowledged. It's nice to have it happen while you're still alive. But when you do this sort of thing, you have to believe in history and you have to believe in the ancestry of art. You have to believe that you're filing things in the archives. Maybe they will be appreciated in your lifetime and maybe they won't. It doesn't really matter."
A fan in New Mexico
"After reading many books on and about screenwriting I found yours [Practical Screenwriting] in a pile of free books after an abandoned yard sale and scooped it up. I figured one more couldn't hurt and I was getting ready to embark on a rewrite of the love of my life project. What a find! I now tell people to purchase the book.
As a retired educator I appreciate how you address different styles of learning and performing. Good screenwriters know good screenwriting. Good educators know good education. They are not one in the same. One of my duties as a board member for New Mexico Women in Film is to keep stead on a screenwriters group in Albuquerque. I find myself using your example of tree vs forest people often in the group."
The book, of course, is the linear "light" version of my digital tutorial, now free online: http://www.ibiblio.org/cdeemer/wright/00begin.html
As a retired educator I appreciate how you address different styles of learning and performing. Good screenwriters know good screenwriting. Good educators know good education. They are not one in the same. One of my duties as a board member for New Mexico Women in Film is to keep stead on a screenwriters group in Albuquerque. I find myself using your example of tree vs forest people often in the group."
The book, of course, is the linear "light" version of my digital tutorial, now free online: http://www.ibiblio.org/cdeemer/wright/00begin.html
Mellow day
Downsized a bit, got paella on, football, should be low key day. 2 of 5 kitchen shelves in order ... do another tomorrow.
Vacation! Man, do I need it.
Vacation! Man, do I need it.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Glory, glory
Man, I haven't felt this good since before H's heart attack. And when she called today, I heard joy in her voice for the first time in over a year: from enjoying grandkids. I hope she can bring that attitude home.
Knock on my wooden head ...
Knock on my wooden head ...
Mass Shootings: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/rKNrPpBcbi0/
I'm not modest
My 6-day wonder is a fucking fine play! Who knows what if anything will come of it but I engaged my seasoned craft and personal sensibilities damn near to their limits. Truly a birthday gift from the gods! Never expected it.
Yes indeed
Our world can be bleak, but it’s crucial to find sources of joy every day
I call it dancing on the Titanic.
I call it dancing on the Titanic.
Couplet of the day
King Christ, this world is all aleak
and life preservers there are none
==e. e. cummings
and life preservers there are none
==e. e. cummings
Good question!
What The Hell Is NBC Doing Inside Attackers' Apartment?: http://crooksandliars.com/2015/12/why-hell-nbc-doing-inside-attackers
Appearance and reality
More than a theory about literature ... at the very foundation of shared human experience. Read Shakespeare.
Of course, our culture learns nothing from literature. If the foundation surprises you, you're trapped in Plato's Cave.
Of course, our culture learns nothing from literature. If the foundation surprises you, you're trapped in Plato's Cave.
The Common Denominator in Mass Shootings: Guns: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Truthdig/~3/VeEWCw0dsrs/
SO NICE to have streaming music back. When I cut the cord, everything became wireless/internet based.
The error all week was minor but essential, of course. I was given wrong directions! Confirmed on net. Then tonight found contrary directions. Re what cab!e goes where.
The error all week was minor but essential, of course. I was given wrong directions! Confirmed on net. Then tonight found contrary directions. Re what cab!e goes where.
An Amazon film, surprisingly enough
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Spike Lee takes on gun violence with passion and bold creativity in ‘Chi-Raq’
Spike Lee takes on gun violence with passion and bold creativity in ‘Chi-Raq’
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Strange doings
UCLA upsets No. 1 Kentucky, 87-77, snapping UK's 40-game win streak against unranked opponents - @SportsCenter https://twitter.com/SportsCenter/status/672630207182987264
Miracle in Westwood
A mediocre 4-3 UCLA beat #1 Kentucky by 10 pts!
I only saw closing mins after checking shocking score. I figured Ken. by 20 or more. No mood to watch the slaughter. Now I'll look for the replay.
I only saw closing mins after checking shocking score. I figured Ken. by 20 or more. No mood to watch the slaughter. Now I'll look for the replay.
Tech nightmare
Finally got our DSL working ... but no luck bringing network up, which most of our stuff uses ... burned out ... try to forget until next week, try again.
We should not rationalize the tragedy of San Bernardino but we will. Again
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Earth has lost a third of arable land in past 40 years, scientists say
Problem in a nutshell
Head of Senate environment committee: If the climate is changing it’s because of God, not man: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheRawStory/~3/BZ1QjZBIIRA/
Sinking islands
I thought you might like this story from The Washington Post.
Obama vows to help island nations threatened by climate change
Among the threatened are the Marshalls, where my dad was stationed after WWII, running a Naval supply ship. Many stories, home movies, memories. How sad if they get sunk by rising ocean.
Obama vows to help island nations threatened by climate change
Among the threatened are the Marshalls, where my dad was stationed after WWII, running a Naval supply ship. Many stories, home movies, memories. How sad if they get sunk by rising ocean.
Bad to worse
Lost power last night around midnight, out for hrs, got so cold Sketch and I went into car to use heater. Back on now.
New modem tomorrow, try again.
New modem tomorrow, try again.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
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