How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Friday, December 12, 2014

Dance of death

Republicans now can present the dying gasps of empire, rigidly on the wrong side of history. Even Catholic bishops now argue for Zero Carbon and the incompatibility of this with capitalism.

We are the problem, not the solution, but you'd never know it in the designer brew pubs and trendy green businesses. We're a clone of the Roman Empire, going down in an orgy of self-indulgence. The hippest corpses in history.

I'll likely pass before its ugliest moments. As I read history from the p of v of the losers, it's clear we were doomed from the moment we decided God was on our side. Nothing new, poets have been telling us this all along.

The inevitable gets boring to follow. I'd rather bake bread. This morning's loaf of buckwheat looks good.

Coming next: soy, quinoa ... beer cheese ... olive.