How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hyperdrama and good vibes

Snooping around the net to see if anything new in hyperdrama is going on. Not that I found. However, I'm delighted to see that my work is still required reading at a number of university classes on hypertext, esp my intro essay and one act hyperdrama. A typical citation (by Canadian professor):

Even theater has also been influenced by hypertext, resulting in hyperdrama. In this world, Charles Deemer’s work is especially relevant6. He was the first one in conceiving a play in which several scenes are performed at the same time.

Well, this is not true at all. That Tamara guy in Canada was before me, and maybe others were before him. But my literary reputation is nowhere stronger than here, hyperdrama, esp in Canada, Spain and the Scandanavian countries. A bit strange but I'll take it ha ha. Being required reading has a nice ring to it.