How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last class

As good a last class as I could hope for ... watched and discussed the student video projects ... I gave my dog and pony show on hyperdrama and cinefiction ... short and sweet. Several students are forming a screenwriters group, wanted to know if I'd drop by from time to time to answer questions, I said sure. One student gave me a Starbucks card for thanks. Another asked me to autograph my textbook. Neither struck me as brown-nosing ha ha. Anyway, a great last class! and a good class for my final term over all.

Meeting a grad student, give books away. Then bus to Starbucks and write on the AlphaSmart, I think. Clear the mind of a few things.

This has been a really good gig for me. But I also am glad it is over.