How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Thursday, May 15, 2014

San Francisco's Invisible Class War | danah boyd

San Francisco's Invisible Class War | danah boyd:

"San Francisco is in the middle of a class war. It's not the first or last city to have heart-wrenching inequality tear at its fabric, challenge its values, test its support structures. But what's jaw-dropping to me is how openly, defensively, and critically technology folks demean those who are struggling. The tech industry has a sickening obsession with meritocracy. Far too many geeks and entrepreneurs worship at the altar of zeros and ones, believing that outputs can be boiled down to a simple equation based on inputs. In a modern-day version of the Protestant ethic, there's a sense that success is a guaranteed outcome of hard work, skills, and intelligence. Thus, anyone who is struggling can be blamed for their own circumstances."

And more widespread than SF.