How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

You Needn't Pay Them Any Mind: A Brief Look at the Treatment of American Indians in US History

You Needn't Pay Them Any Mind: A Brief Look at the Treatment of American Indians in US History:

"It has never been properly explained to me why we still celebrate Columbus Day as a national holiday. What is it exactly are we supposed to be celebrating? The fact that some gold-crazed Italian convinced the Queen of Spain to subsidize a failed attempt to circumnavigate the globe? By now, I would have thought our jingoistic fervor would have subsided to the point that we could collectively acknowledge that Christopher Columbus didn't discover a damn thing beyond the fact that he had no idea what an actual Indian person looked like. I mean, it takes a delusionally euro-centric worldview to convince yourself that you've discovered a place that people are already living on. "