Take a considerable number of angry citizens almost all of them white almost all of them with guns; give them a coloring book education emphasizing mythology over history simplicity over complexity with the Bible as Final Word; add so much paranoid anticipation of government aggression that they buy military assault weapons for defense; add a profound ignorance of and resulting distrust of science; add corporate sponsors who understand that funding ignorance can help their bottom lines; add a yellow-bellied university system that lets moronic discourse continue unchallenged; add well meaning, reasonably smart citizens who take none of this seriously and therefore see no threat; wait for the inciting incident the match put to all this gasoline and then run like hell |
"You can't fix it. You can't make it go away.
I don't know what you're going to do about it,
But I know what I'm going to do about it. I'm just
going to walk away from it. Maybe
A small part of it will die if I'm not around
feeding it anymore."
--Lew Welch