How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Monday, May 20, 2013

Waiting for the Rapture

Even Jonathan Swift might do
a double-take on encountering
certain Americans on his travels.

Has ever a people denied science
more, calling knowledge elitist,
making a literal reading of the Bible
the one and only arbiter of reality?

Has ever a people welcomed disaster
as the calling card of end times,
foreplay to the orgasmic Rapture?
Has the end of the world
ever been more attractive?

But who will do anything about it?

Has ever a government been
more impotent? More ignorant?
More cowardly? More pathetic?

Has ever the media given so much
equal time to ignorance? Who
will separate fact from fiction?

What kind of a God would want
to populate His Heaven with such
deluded, self-righteous martyrs
for stupidity?

And the thing is, When they leave
this world, they're taking you
and me with them.