How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Amazing apps

There are apps for everything. So last night I looked for ukulele apps.

Amazing! I found two I'll use often. In one, name a chord and it gives the fingering. Tap a button and you hear it. In the second, alternative fingering are given down the fretboard, useful for fingerpicking.

These apps are free. Amazing again.

But then I think art should be removed as a commercial commodity. Artists should be hired the way priests are hired, to give away their work the way sermons are free. Fat chance.

Although my life was very much like this in the 1980s when I received a number of writing grants. I was paid to write, NOT TO SELL, and this liberation from the marketplace improves art tremendously. More risks, more daring, more insights ... more keepers.