How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Haven't done a thing on Overdrive this morning, which is the reason I come to the office early. Been trying to figure out Windows 7 and the new version of Word I have, and this that and the other. Passing time. No big deal.

A busy weekend reading midterms! Usually a highlight, however, because a number of student usually start writing like screenwriters instead of prose/fiction writers. Always encouraging to see.

And I expect to get ukulele time in, as ever, and may even start recording a few things. Good to check out how I am doing.

Chord soloing is a different skill than I've ever tried to master. Depends on finding the right movable chord with the melody note at the high string.

I have a ton of songs to learn once my skill level gets to the point where I can make my own arrangements. Progress is going better than I anticipated when I began. It helped to know clawhammer, of course, one style already in good shape. For me, most of the learning will be left hand, I think. My class is about the right hand. I wonder if they have a left hand class later. They have a blues class, and I'd like to take that one, too ... even in winter if it is offered then.

I am more excited about ukulele studies than I was about learning clawhammer banjo -- I think because the instrument is more versatile and the tone more mellow (for an old man's sensibilities). I was for a while, in fact, thinking of converting my banjo to nylon strings. But this is a much better way to go.

Full of mental energy, my body sometimes has a hard time keeping up.