How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My overcoat

I have a great overcoat: a grey Harris tweed, that I got free at the VA clothing store 20 years ago when I was in treatment. I was wearing it today and as I left Starbucks, I ran into a security guard, an older fellow, who said, What a great coat! Indeed it is. When it came in, I knew the clerk working in the room and he told me it was there. I was one of the few guys big enough to wear it and I got to it first. It's a treasure. Do they make them like this any more?

To school early to work on Overdrive but I ended up doing some ukulele research first. My plan of study gets clearer each day. A long haul. Long range goal, play jazz chords up and down the neck and be able to make arrangements. Yes! Actually I think I can get there, as I never could on the guitar. Only four strings ha ha.

I remember one night back in the day where I ran into an old drunk who also was a hell of a jazz guitarist and I invited him and others to my apartment after the bar closed. He picked up my 12-string -- amazed that it was in tune! He played incredible jazz on it, really impressing the hell out of me. I wish I could do that. Well, if I keep at it, maybe I can. We'll see. I am optimistic, from the fiddling I've been doing so far. Won't ever be ready for the recording studio but I think I can get good enough to amuse myself and impress Harriet ha ha. Hopefully Sketch won't go into a barking fit, as he does when I play the harmonica.