How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Three short poems from my new book

Two days before A Majority of One is released by Round Bend Press. Stay tuned. Here are three enticements ...


Look, there's already enough negativity
in the world. I don't need more
here on the small island of my life
where it's hard enough in this dying culture
keeping my own positive thoughts in my head.
Spare me your 
complaints, corrections, criticisms,
venting, whining, raging.
Spare me your soap operas.
Find something you like to do,
do it, enjoy it, and shut up.


No matter what the day brings
it begins here and now at 4 a.m.
in silence as comforting as breath
the mind without distraction
the streets empty, the dogs asleep
only thought alive in reflection
of good fortune, of past blessings
enjoyed before the engines start
the lights come on, the dogs bark
and day begins here where noise
and frantic action drive the hour
and no one knows how to be still.

In My Present Mindset

In my present mindset
I can't remember much
about those distant days
when I laughed so much 
more than I laugh today.
I never paid attention to
the news or events in the world
my universe was very close
at hand my friends the actors
who performed whatever mattered.
My friends are dead.
The news ignored them
but took their place with
nothing to laugh at.