How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Friday, May 2, 2014

Regime Change in America: This Land Isn’t Your Land, This Land Is Their Land | Common Dreams

Regime Change in America: This Land Isn’t Your Land, This Land Is Their Land | Common Dreams:

"Median household income in 2012 was no higher than it had been a quarter-century earlier. Meanwhile, expenses had outpaced inflation. U.S. Census Bureau figures show that the income gap between rich and poor had widened to a more than four-decade record since the 1970s. The 46.2 million people in poverty remained the highest number since the Census Bureau began collecting that data 53 years ago. The gap between how much total wealth America's 1% of earners control and what the rest of us have is even wider than even in the years preceding the Great Depression of 1929. Argue over numbers, debate which statistics are most accurate, or just drive around America: the trend lines and broad patterns, the shadows of our world of regime change, are sharply, sadly clear."