How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Monday, October 6, 2014

In the mind of a writer

"It's all material," wrote novelist/screeneriter Wm Goldman. Very true.

I thought I was done writing (inside-out "real" writing, not the outside-in entertainments we do for money) because I had exhausted my well of experience. I already was repeating myself. The End.

Suddenly I have new experiences to brood about! Back to the drawing board.

Been trying to get the right first sentence for about a week now, to what probably will be a long short story, 30 to 50 page range. Same storytelling strategy I used in last novel, and learned from Evan Connell's brilliant, amazing novel MRS. BRIDGE, the slow layering of titled vignettes. No title but I will look for an appropriate title in a west coast jazz piece. Working title is My Funny Valentine after the Mulligan-Baker classic.

Here is the draft of a first sentence:

Days after the event, AK calculated that at the very moment his wife Amanda was collapsing on the street, her heart stopped, her brain deprived of oxygen, he was in the travel agency office arranging his solitary move to Tucson.


The story of a marriage. Like all inside-out writing, based on my own experience. Many things made up.

I have a project for 2015! Not before. This first sentence is a security blanket. Six mos from now I know how I want to start.
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