How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ah, youth!

They appear without fanfare
grandson and girlfriend
out of contact for many months
now "hi grandma!" here they are
stopping by on their way
from here to there
traveling by thumb, hitchhiking
this grandson who's never
heard of Jack Kerouac
arriving for favors, which we
give them, meals, showers,
clean laundry, and something
special, a surprise gift,
a small tent and better
sleeping bags than theirs
to send them off in style
in a matter of hours
spending the night elsewhere
before they head north
all thumbs and spirit
too young to be vagrants
on their hitchhiking adventure

and watching them go
I remember my own
travels by thumb at 19
from Berkeley to Louisville
for Derby Day, 1959
and I want to thank them
for bringing this memory
to life after so long
but nothing happens quickly
at my age and by the time
I think of this they are gone
back on the road, all
thumbs and spirit, with
no time for an old man's
war stories.