How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Five Blessings of Old Age

The first blessing of old age
is mental capacity. How sad
to have no memory of events
and people in your life
(though I'd just as soon forget
the opening night I soiled
myself in a white tuxedo).

The second blessing of old age
is a friend or several, the older
the better, a kindred soul
with whom to share the hours
(with double duty as audience
for the inevitable repetition
of war stories).

The third blessing of old age
is financial solvency, just
enough to be comfortable
(but not enough to rescue
family screwups from themselves).

The fourth blessing of old age
is mobility, just enough
to maintain independence
(but not enough to drive
to Reno with that
22-year-old stripper).

The fifth blessing of old age
is a sense of humor, especially
about yourself (i.e. many jokes
about yourself, none
about God).