How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Innocence Lost

I must have forgotten
where I was. Ahead of me
as I walked toward the market
was a woman and her little boy
maybe 10, and he's tossing
a ball in the air and catching it

as I'm about to pass them
a throw goes astray and
the boy has to run my way
to catch it, and I say
Good one!
grinning at the boy
who grins back

but then I see the mother
staring at me, all fear and
suspicion - and my heart sinks

she thinks I'm making a move
she worries I'm a pedophile

so I hurry past and into the store
thinking, So this is what we've become
this is America today

and I thank the gods
as I do so often
that I am old
that I am old