How to tell a story

How to tell a story

Friday, April 19, 2013

Beyond Surprise

Epistemology is the branch of
philosophy that asks the question

"How do you know what you know?"

How do you know your classmate
is not a terrorist?

How do you know your neighbor
is not a pedophile?

How do you know your priest
won't rape you?

How do you know your wife
your soul mate
isn't a lesbian?

I know a few things.

I know when Sketch
scratches at the door
he wants to go out
and take care of business.

I know if I jump off
the roof I'll land
on the ground.

I don't know a thing
about you really, and
nothing would surprise me

all the same, with some
of you I assume a few
things on faith

and hope beyond hope
I'm right.